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1000 people love goes 10 thousand lis - group of Nanjing pray blessing starts f
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On October 14, by bureau of Nanjing city religion and Nanjing city buddhism association holds jointly " 1000 people love goes 10 thousand lis " the activity sets out the ceremony is in Nanjing city Xuan Zang temple is held ceremoniously. The main purpose of this second activity is the broad and Buddhist believer that organizes Nanjing city, before taking love, hill of eyebrow of past high mountain is blessing of Sichuan people pray.
Mobile spot, call of bureau of Nanjing city religion Director Ma Rongzong is broad and Buddhist believer, taking the affectionate kindness of Nanjing people, to eyebrow of Sichuan high mountain Shanjinding is Sichuan people to pray, recall the victim with 5.12 medium earthquakes, blessing of pray of the person that also make a living at the same time. Rabbi of photograph of grand of Nanjing city Buddhist association says, buddhist essence is beneficent and good-tempered, this second Sichuan people suffers such big disaster, exhaust oneself power as Buddhist bound behoove. Finally, director Yu announces committee of general affairs of religion of Nanjing city National People's Congress, this second " 1000 people love goes 10 thousand lis " activity of blessing of pray of hill of the eyebrow that go to high mountain sets out formally.
Rabbi of fax of chairman of Nanjing city Buddhist association will guide the Buddhist believer of first Nanjing city, for blessing of Sichuan people pray, give a love of Nanjing Buddhist bound. (Wu Sheng)